
Anxiety and Remote Work

Blog / Anxiety
Blog / Anxiety

The trend of remote work has been gaining traction for the past few years, with the number of people working from home or other remote locations growing exponentially. However, for some the rapid transition to remote work has led to anxiety. Some of the ways associated anxiety can manifest itself include decreased productivity, difficulty concentrating, and even physical ailments such as headaches and insomnia.

Where did everybody go?

The first cause of anxiety associated with remote work is the feeling of isolation. Working from home can be a lonely experience, as there is no face-to-face interaction with colleagues and supervisors. Although some may thrive in such an environment, for many this lack of social interaction can lead to feelings of loneliness and can cause workers to feel disconnected from the larger organization. It is important for employers to be aware of this issue and to ensure that remote employees have access to virtual team building activities and other social events.

Lack of routine

Another cause of anxiety related to remote work is the challenge of maintaining productivity. Working from home can be a distraction-filled territory, with family members, pets, and other diversions competing for attention. Although some individuals may find these distractions pleasant they can make it difficult for workers to stay focused and productive. Additionally, without the structure of a traditional office, it can be difficult for remote workers to establish a regular routine and stick to it. Employers can help alleviate this issue by providing employees with clear expectations, flexible scheduling options, and access to productivity-boosting tools such as time tracking software.

Anxiety is more than mental

Remote work can also cause physical symptoms of anxiety. Some workers may experience headaches, insomnia, or other physical ailments due to the stress of working consistently out of the office. This can be especially true for those who are already prone to anxiety or stress. To combat this, employers should provide employees with access to mental health resources, such as counseling and support groups. Additionally, making flexible work hours an option can actually reduce stress and lead to increased productivity.

When anxiety takes your team members off track, so is their focus and productivity.

Our proven, evidence-based, real world tested program works on three levels: mental, emotional, and physical. By using simple, easy-to-follow exercises, BreathConductorTM helps individuals learn to recognize, manage, and reduce anxiety symptoms, within moments. With consistent use it also assists individuals build healthy coping skills.

Working in a remote environment can be both a blessing and a curse. It can cause anxiety in many workers, but there are ways to manage it. Employers should be aware of the potential causes of remote work anxiety and be proactive in addressing them. This can include providing employees with clear expectations, flexible scheduling options, access to mental health resources, and the ability to take breaks as needed. Additionally, virtual team building activities can help foster a sense of community and connection for remote workers. With the right strategies, employers can help ensure that their remote workers stay productive and healthy.

To learn more on ways to reduce anxiety in your workforce, both onsite and remote, and have a conversation about your team needs Contact Us here.

When anxiety strikes, we’re here for you.

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Victoria Grace

Victoria, CEO of Muvik Labs, is a dual-degree Stanford graduate and award-winning researcher with expertise in music, computer science, and psychoacoustics. She founded Muvik Labs to create innovative digital therapies, combining cutting-edge audio technology with proven therapeutic techniques.

Article Created

April 13, 2023

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